Dear Colleague:

Thank you for participating in the ENA Leadership Conference 2014. We hope that it was an enjoyable experience for you. We are continually striving to improve our meetings and would appreciate your response to the following statements. Please complete this survey regarding Leadership Conference support by April 14, 2014. We look forward to hearing your feedback.

Question Title

* 1.

Prior to the meeting
I received adequate assistance from my Committee Liaison/Session Coordinator

Question Title

* 2.

Prior to the meeting
I received adequate assistance from ENA Staff.

Question Title

* 3.

Prior to the meeting
The written instructions for the conference forms were clear.

Question Title

* 4.

Prior to the meeting
The travel and reimbursement instructions were clear.

Question Title

* 5.

During the meeting
I received adequate support from ENA Staff.

Question Title

* 6.

During the meeting
I received adequate support from my Course Monitor.